All you need to know about Easter and why is it celebrated with eggs

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Sonia Dadhich is Content Writer at All Eat Online Takeaway platform with more than 2 years of professional writing experience. She has helped us achieve our goals and connect with our audience. As a passionate foodie, Sonia Dadhich loves to share food-related content, and enjoys sharing her knowledge and insights with others through platforms such as Instagram, Quora and Medium.

Are you ready for the egg hunt and Easter Bunny? Easter is one of the most popular festivals which Christians celebrate on the first Sunday following the first full moon after the vernal equinox, which usually falls between March 22 and April 25. It commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. The holiday is observed by Christians all around the world, and it is a time for life, joy, hope, and renewal.

History & Significance of Easter

The origins of Easter can be traced back to ancient pagan celebrations that honoured the spring equinox. These festivals were dedicated to the goddess of spring and fertility, Eostre. As Christianity spread throughout Europe, the early Christian leaders adopted some of the traditions of these pagan celebrations and incorporated them into their own celebrations of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

According to the New Testament of The Bible, the Roman authorities arrested Jesus because he claimed to be the “Son of God,” although some historians say that the Romans may have viewed him as a threat to the empire.

According to the Gospel author, Jesus was put to death on the cross during the tenure of Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea from 26 to 36 AD. This event is commemorated by Christians on Good Friday, which falls on the Friday preceding Easter. Jesus’ resurrection three days later is regarded as proof of his divine status as the living Son of God.

Why Eggs are Associated with Easter?

The egg has long been a symbol of new life and rebirth, making it a perfect symbol for Easter. In many cultures, eggs were given as gifts during springtime festivals, symbolising new beginnings and the cycle of life.

In addition to their symbolic meaning, eggs were also a practical choice for Easter celebrations. During the Lenten season leading up to Easter, Christians abstained from eating meat, dairy, and eggs. When Lent ended, there was often an abundance of eggs that had been saved up, and they were eaten as a part of the Easter feast.

The association between Easter and eggs can be traced back to ancient pagan celebrations of spring. Many cultures believed that eggs symbolise new life and fertility, which are themes closely associated with the spring season.

As Christianity spread throughout Europe, many of these pagan traditions were incorporated into Christian celebrations, including Easter. In Christian tradition, eggs are said to represent new life, just as Jesus was resurrected to new life on Easter Sunday.

Egg Decorating Traditions

The tradition of decorating eggs for Easter can be traced back to ancient times. In many cultures, eggs were decorated using natural dyes made from plants and flowers. In some countries, such as Ukraine, intricate designs were painted onto the eggs using wax and a stylus.

Today, egg decorating is a popular Easter tradition all around the world. In many Western countries, eggs are dyed in bright colours and decorated with stickers, glitter, and other embellishments. Some countries even have competitions for the most elaborately decorated eggs and many people continue to enjoy decorating and hiding eggs as part of their Easter celebrations.

Easter Bunny 

The Easter Bunny is a popular character associated with Easter in many cultures, particularly in Western countries such as the United States and Canada. The Easter Bunny is typically depicted as a rabbit or hare that brings Easter eggs and candy to children.

The origins of the Easter Bunny are not entirely clear, but it is believed to have originated from the ancient pagan celebrations of spring. In many cultures, rabbits and hares were seen as symbols of fertility and new life, which are themes closely associated with the spring season and Easter.

Easter is a festival of celebration of life, and the egg is an important symbol of this holiday. Whether you choose to decorate eggs or simply enjoy them as a part of your Easter feast, this humble food has a long and fascinating history. As we celebrate Easter each year, let us remember the hope and joy that this holiday brings, and the symbolism that eggs play in it.

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