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Why is our slogan “We all eat together”?

We all eat together

At All Eat, our slogan is not just a catchy phrase or a marketing gimmick, it represents the core values and beliefs that our company stands for. When we say “We all eat together”, we mean that we are committed to creating a platform that helps local, small businesses and customers to thrive together.

The founder of All Eat, Mr. Lin, started this business with a clear vision of supporting local restaurants and communities. He wanted to provide a solution that would help small businesses avoid paying high commission fees to delivery platforms that were robbing them and their customers of their hard-earned money. Mr. Lin believes that when small businesses and customers come together, they can achieve great things, just like how a cake is only complete when all its ingredients are combined.

All Eat’s mission is to support local businesses and communities, and this is reflected in our company culture. We treat everyone who works with us, whether it’s our partners or employees, as family members. We believe that just like a family, we should work together and eat together.

Eating is not just a basic necessity; it is a social activity that brings people together. We only eat with people we love, care for, and trust. At All Eat, we aim to be a real friend to our customers, creating real relationships with them. We want to create a community where people can come together, share a meal, and connect with each other.

In conclusion, “We all eat together” is not just a slogan; it is our way of life. At All Eat, we believe that when we work together, eat together, and support each other, we can achieve great things. We are committed to providing a platform that connects local businesses and customers, and we will continue to work hard to make this a reality.

Americans are shocked at how the British have Chinese food takeaway


It is interesting to note how different cultures operate. Sometimes it is a way for people to connect and learn about each other. Then there are instances where people are surprised at how people do certain things in their cultures that they might not be familiar. with.

Chinese food is no stranger in this age of globalization. It is enjoyed everywhere. Chinese food takeaways are very popular. They have been referenced in popular culture as well. One notable example is the U.S TV series The Big Bang Theory where the main characters are often seen enjoying a Chinese food takeaway.

Chinese food takeaways are no doubt popular however every country outside China has its own spin to it. What would categorise as a Chinese food takeaway is different in different parts of the world. So, what happens when Americans who love Chinese food takeaway as much as people in other parts of the world discover how the British have a Chinese food takeaway? They go in a state of shock.

What is this British Chinese food takeaway trend and why are Americans shocked?

There is a recent trend making waves on TikTok about how the British people have a Chinese food takeaway as reported by the Evening Standard. It is understandable that this is a pretty normalised practice in the U.K. Some of it may not even be authentic Chinese food but it could be classified as a combination of a mix of Chinese cuisine adapted to British tastes.

Americans and British people don’t often see eye to eye when it comes to a lot of things. The Americans call it an elevator, the British call it a lift, the Americans call it a subway, the British call it a tube. Now it seems that Americans don’t agree with how the British have their Chinese food takeaway.

In a tweet Drag Queen Kimchi said that she was shocked at how the British pour curry sauce and sweet and sour sauce all over their chips, chicken balls and rice.

There were also comments about how British refer to Chinese food takeaway as simply Chinese which could be assumed as racist. This was highlighted by American influencer Soogia.

The British Response

The British clearly did not hold back and explained the reasoning behind all of the things related to British Chinese food takeaway that has sent Americans in a state of shock.

British TikTok Influencer Cory’s World responded to the Americans in a video trying to eliminate their confusion regarding British Chinese food takeaway by saying “Curry sauce is the best thing ever, so it’s the texture of gravy but it tastes like curry. They even do it in McDonald’s over here. The owner of my local Chinese shop is from China but the food they eat is completely different from the food they serve us. Chicken balls are available in any Chinese shop you go in. It’s basically a boneless chicken but its deep fried. All the Chinese shops I’ve gone to sell ribs and chips as well. They also do containers. It is called a half and half which is half rice and half chips with curry sauce poured over the top.”

British TikTok creator Olivia Smith who is white and her Chinese boyfriend Derek Guo, both of whom are based in the U.K also addressed the responses. Derek explained the reasoning behind British people calling Chinese food takeaway or a Chinese meal as simply Chinese was laziness, he joked. It had nothing to do with racism. He further clarified that they just shorten it and its the same with Italian, Mexican or Greek. Cory’s World also clarified this.

The couple also explained that since the U.K is a multicultural country, there is the presence of authentic Chinese food in the country and the Chinese food takeaway they are seeing on TikTok does exist but does not necessarily present how the whole of the UK has a Chinese food takeaway. In a multicultural country such as the U.K, it is important to adapt to different tastes and Chinese food takeaway or any other food for that matter is no stranger to this rule.

What do you think of this entire situation? Let us know in the comments. While you’re at it, it is a good time to mention that if you live in the U.K, we at All Eat have some amazing Chinese food takeaways so order now at our website or application available on both IOS and Android.

The coronation chicken history


Have you ever tried a Coronation chicken sandwich from your supermarket? Its sweet and creamy taste have enchanted our palates for over half a century. This seasonal sandwich is the perfect blend of sweet and savoury and has rapidly become Britain favourite lunch treat. With King Charles III Coronation being upon us, we could not help but finding out about the famous coronation chicken origins.

What is Coronation chicken?

The coronation chicken is made with cooked chicken served with a mayonnaise based sauce, with dried apricots, raisins, crème fraiche, white onions or shallots, bay leaf, curry powder, red wine, lemon juice, a hint of salt, pepper and a pinch of sugar. It is creamy, light and packed with rich flavours. It was served warm with rice accompanied by a salad.

Where did it originate from?

Originally called “Chicken Queen Elizabeth” from the French “Poulet Reine Elizabeth”, it was created in 1953 by Le Cordon Bleu London. A world renown French culinary school dated from the 16th century which is now acknowledged UK best culinary school. The dish was first served accompanied with rice for Queen Elizabeth’s Coronation and as become ever since Britain royalty dish.

How is it eaten now?

There are a number of variation now, including Coronation wraps, bagels, stuffed croissant but most importantly the coronation sandwich. This week make sure to grab one of those and celebrate King Charles III and Queen Camilla‘s coronation on Saturday 6th of May. If you would like to follow a traditional Coronation Chicken recipe check the video below.

Different occasions, perfect takeaways


Life can be rather hectic and different occasions calls for a variety of social gatherings in which food is at the heart. From girls night in to family gatherings here are the takeaways food you should consider ordering on our All Eat platform.

Girl’s night in   

Who does not like a night of chats, laughter and secrets revealed. Girlies we know exactly what you need to top up you awesome girls night in: A pizza! Pizzas are safe to handle when you are having the best of laughter or when revealing your inner most secrets. We have varieties of partners making perfect pizzas for you. If tears fall do not forget to accompany your pizza with a glass of wine and a gelato (ice cream) delivered right at your door, order from our pizzerias here.

Boy’s night in

World cup, European cup, Premiere league get a kebab and a beer and cheer your best team. Traditional chicken or fish and chips could be another option if you wish so. Gathering the mates is so simple if you order from our app. Local kebab shops and chicken and chips would happily deliver, fresh food to your door. Don’t forget that garlic and chilli sauce to honour your kebab here.    

Date night in

World cup, European cup, Premiere league get a kebab and a beer and cheer your best team. Traditional chicken or fish and chips could be another option if you wish so. Gathering the mates is so simple if you order from our app. Local kebab shops and chicken and chips would happily deliver, fresh food to your door. Don’t forget that garlic and chilli sauce to honour your kebab here.    

Family night in

Tired of cooking for you little ones? Order what they love. We suggest something that will make the whole family happy: Chinese food. Chinese dishes are so popular here in Britain and make generations after generations happy. If you trust us we guarantee moments of silence while your little ones try Chinese food from any of our partners. If chicken chow mein does not satisfy them, their will be at least happy to try a variety of dimsun and prawn crackers. There is something for every member of your family right here to enjoy during your Friday night family movie night.

After sport activities

Hungry bellies after sport requires some yummy spicy food. After such intense activities we suggest you to try something spicy like an Indian curry. You don’t have to order rice but you can enjoy any of our curries with naans. Did you know that there also coconut naans (peshwari naan), cheese naans and garlic an herbs? Be adventurous and try a variety of them with any curry here.

Solo night in or working from home

If you live alone or work from home we understand how difficult it is to find the motivation to cook for yourself. Why not being adventurous and trying Thai food? You can then impress your friends with your knowledge of Thai cuisine and encourage them to try it. Thai salads are not really known to customers, however, we recommend you to try one as your eating by yourself while enjoying a good read or watching your favourite netflix tv series. Try something new here.

Whatever your occasion we have it all on our app. Download All Eat and order what you feel like eating. Share your food with friends, family, spouse or just with yourself and know that different occasions will call for perfect takeaways.

What is Eid at the Square? The annual free event marking the end of Ramadan in London


Ramadan ended last week which was followed by the celebration for Muslims called Eid-al-Fitr.

Just like many countries, Eid was also celebrated in the U.K where there is a significant Muslim population. The day started with the morning Eid prayers followed by meeting friends, family and loved ones. Many Muslims took the day off from work and many Muslim run shops were closed as a result of the holiday.

Eid at the Square is an event that is held every year in London. It marks the end of Ramadan and is an event for Muslims as well as non-Muslims to come together and celebrate together.

What is Eid at the Square?

Eid at the Square also referred to as Eid at the Trafalgar Square due to the fact that it is held at the Trafalgar Square in London is an annual event which celebrates Eid-al-Fitr. The event is organised by the Mayor of London’s office in association with many Muslim community organisations and groups.

What happens at Eid at the Square?

Eid at the Square usually includes a range of activities and entertainment for all age groups like live music, dance performances, cultural exhibitions as well as food stalls which serve a variety of traditional dishes from the Muslim world.

This Year’s theme

As the event is free and open to all faiths, Eid at the Square is an opportunity for non-Muslims to learn more about Islam and Muslims via cultural and educational activities.

In line with that, this year’s theme is #LondonForEveryone which focuses on bringing people from all walks of life in London to promote a more inclusive environment in London as it is a multicultural city.

The event is a celebration of diversity and inclusivity. The event welcomes people from all backgrounds and faiths to take part in the festivities and learn about Eid, Ramadan as well as about Islamic cultures and traditions in general.

Eid at the Square will take place this Sunday on 29th of April from 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM.

What’s a Gluten-Free Diet and How Can You Follow One?


Many of us have heard about a gluten-free diet, but how many of us actually know what exactly is it? Let’s find out about gluten and gluten-free diet in this blog.

What is gluten?

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. It’s what gives bread and other baked goods their chewy texture. It’s actually a mixture of two proteins: gliadin and glutenin. 

It’s important to note that gluten is not harmful to everyone. For the vast majority of people, consuming gluten-containing foods is safe and does not cause any adverse health effects. However, for people with coeliac disease or gluten sensitivity, following a gluten-free diet is essential for managing their condition and avoiding symptoms.

What is a gluten-free diet?

A gluten-free diet is a diet that excludes all gluten-containing foods. This includes bread, pasta, cereal, and many other processed foods. Gluten-free diets are essential for people with coeliac disease, gluten intolerance, and gluten sensitivity. Even small amounts of gluten can trigger a range of symptoms, including bloating, gas, diarrhoea, and abdominal pain.

However, some people also follow a gluten-free diet for non-medical reasons such as to get help with weight loss, increase energy levels, or improve digestion. It’s important to note that a gluten-free diet can also be restrictive and lead to nutrient deficiencies if not properly balanced. If you are considering such a diet, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian to ensure that your diet is nutritionally adequate.

How to follow a gluten-free diet?

If you need to follow a gluten-free diet, here are some tips to help you get started:

  • Eat gluten-free food: Foods that are naturally gluten-free include fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, and dairy products. However, some processed foods may contain hidden sources of gluten, so it’s important to read food labels carefully.
  • Use gluten-free substitutes: There are many gluten-free alternatives to bread, pasta, and other gluten-containing foods. For example, you can use corn, rice or almond flour instead of wheat flour when baking.
  • Watch out for cross-contamination: Even a small amount of gluten can cause problems for people with coeliac disease or gluten sensitivity. Be careful when preparing food at home and avoid using the same utensils or cutting boards for gluten-free and gluten-containing foods.
  • Consult a dietitian: If you’re not sure how to follow a gluten-free diet or need help with meal planning, consider consulting a dietitian. They can provide personalised advice and help you make sure you’re getting all the nutrients you need.

What foods can I eat as part of my gluten-free diet?

  • Fruits and vegetables – All fresh fruits and vegetables are naturally gluten-free, so these should be a staple in your diet.
  • Meat, poultry, and fish – All fresh meats, poultry, and fish are naturally gluten-free. However, processed meat products like sausages or deli meats may contain gluten, so it’s important to check the ingredients list.
  • Gluten-free grains- There are several gluten-free grains that you can enjoy, including quinoa, rice, corn, amaranth, millet, and buckwheat.
  • Legumes – Beans, lentils, and peas are all gluten-free and provide a good source of protein and fiber.
  • Nuts and seeds – All nuts and seeds are naturally gluten-free and provide healthy fats and protein.
  • Dairy products – Milk, cheese, and yogurt are all gluten-free. However, some processed dairy products like flavored yogurts may contain gluten, so be sure to check the ingredients list.
  • Gluten-free flours and baked goods – There are several gluten-free flours available, including almond flour, coconut flour, and chickpea flour, which can be used to make gluten-free baked goods.

Do restaurants and takeaways serve gluten-free food?

A gluten-free diet is no longer a luxury. In recent years, more and more restaurants have been accommodating customers with dietary restrictions, including those who are gluten intolerant. Now you can get gluten-free pasta, pizza, cakes, noodles, curries. Basically, almost every dish which you love to eat can be prepared without gluten.

Restaurants and takeaways nowadays prepare food catered to one’s food allergies or dietary restrictions. In fact, many restaurants have gluten-free menus, and some even have a dedicated gluten-free kitchen or cooking area to prevent cross-contamination. 

However, it’s always better to check your options before ordering. You can even ask questions about how the food is prepared to ensure that it is truly gluten-free.

Order delicious gluten-free takeaway food online via All Eat app. Your getaway to delicious outside food at affordable menu prices.

How to use the AE Shop  App – A Guide for Merchants

AE Merchant

All Eat is an online food delivery and takeaway platform that gives customers unbeatable food, unbeatable price and unbeatable service. All Eat enables customers to get delicious food at low prices along with amazing discounts.

For merchants, All Eat promises to help the local restaurant community by saying no to 36% commissions. As an online food delivery and takeaway platform, our aim is to help customers and merchants alike to give them the best possible experience using our services. This is the reason why we charge 0% commission from our partner merchants.

The AE Shop application available for both IOS and Android helps merchants make orders, bookings, optimise their menu and receive weekly payments. If you are representing a merchant that is registered with All Eat or have an interest in doing so, then this guide will help you how to use the AE Shop application.

Step 1 – Install the AE Shop App

The first step is to install the AE Shop app. You will find the app on both Google Play if you use android or Apple Store if you have IOS.

There are two methods to installing the AE Shop app.

Method 1

The first step and the first method is to simply search for the AE Shop app on your phone. After searching for it, click on the AE Shop icon and you will be directed to the AE Shop page. Simply click on install and you are good to go.

Method 2

Alternatively, if you are unable to find the AE Shop on your phone. There is another way to do that as well.

Open the Apple Store or Google Play app on your phone. Search for All Eat app. You will see the online food delivery app. Click on the app.

You will be directed to the app. You will notice a text displaying All Eat App Network Technology Limited. Click on that.

You will see two apps, one is the All Eat food delivery app displayed as All Eat – Food Delivery UK and the other one is the merchant app being displayed as AE Shop. Click on the latter.

You will be directed to the AE Shop app. Just click on Install and the app will be installed in your phone in no time.

Step 2 – Enter your login details

After you have successfully installed the AE Shop app, the next step is to open it. When you open it, you will be asked to enter your login details such as your username (email address|) and password.

Step 3 – Checking order details

The AE Shop enables merchants to check all of their orders quite easily whether its new, accepted or even cancelled as well as the time and the date of the order.

Merchants can see all of their orders in the orders section as well. They are able to see the order number, the type of order, the time and the way the order was paid.

 Merchants are able to see specific order details by clicking on it.

Step 3 – Checking Status of Order

The AE Shop enables merchants to change the status of their particular order. They can also see the total of the order, the current status as well as the type of delivery for example pickup.

Once you click on the change status option, you will be directed to another window which will show you the current status of your order. You can change the status as well as give the reason for changing it.

Once you change the status, you will see the status as approved and be able to confirm the status of your order.

You also have the option to cancel request if you are not satisifed with the status of your order.

Merchants have also the opportunity to print again if they feel like something is wrong with the status of the order. AE Shop really makes it convenient for merchant partners.

Step 4 – Checking and Editing the menu

The AE Shop easily enables merchants to check their menu. The menu icon is displayed above Turnover and below.

When merchants click on the menu option, they are able to see the type of items that they have placed on their menu and are able to separate it by categories.

The AE Shop enables merchants to see how items will appear alongside their picture and the price listed.

You can easily edit any items on the menu using the AE Shop app whether it’s the name, print name (which is to be displayed on the receipt) or the image. You can change the price and save it as a draft as well.

With the menu option, merchants also have the option to check the items on your menu that have been sold out.

Step 5 – Checking the turnover

With the AE Shop, you can also see your turnover which is your sales record. The turnover option is below menu and above the discount option.

Within the turnover option, merchants are able to change the time range of their sales record.

You can also select the time that is appropriate to you.

The turnover section also enables merchants to check the amount of their orders divided by delivery, dine-in, pick-up, card or cash amount as well as the total count and you have the option to hide details and pick the time range as per their liking.

Step 6 – Checking the settings

The AE Shop enables merchants to fix their settings if they feel like there is any issue that needs to be fixed in the settings section. The settings section is the last icon the menu right below the User section.

The settings section also allows merchants to set their own prices regarding delivery, tables and have the option to set their delivery rates and table rates.

The AE Shop settings option also enables merchants to enable settings the units in miles or kilometres whichever way merchants.

Step 7 – Changing the language

Merchants are also able to change their language settings within the AE Shop app. There are two options for language, one is English and the other is Mandarin.

The AE Shop by All Eat is a really convenient way for merchants that are registered with All Eat to check their orders, menu, prices and other things regarding their restaurant or takeaway. AE Shop makes the life of merchants easy with its simple process.

The Evolution of Food Delivery: A Look at All Eat’s Impact

All Eat impacts on food delivery industry

Food delivery has come a long way since the days of ordering pizza over the phone. With the rise of technology and on-demand services, food delivery has become more accessible and convenient than ever before. One of the leading players in the food delivery industry is All Eat, an online platform that connects customers with local restaurants for delivery or pickup.

In this blog post, we will take a look at the evolution of food delivery and All Eat’s impact on the industry.

The Early Days of Food Delivery

Food delivery has been around for decades, with pizza being one of the first foods to be delivered to people’s homes. Pizza delivery quickly became a staple of American culture, with the first pizza delivery service starting in 1889 in Naples, Italy.

As technology advanced, food delivery services started to expand beyond just pizza. In the 1990s, the rise of the internet gave birth to online ordering, making it easier for customers to order food from their favorite restaurants without having to pick up the phone.

The Rise of On-Demand Delivery

With the advent of on-demand services like Uber and Lyft, food delivery services started to shift towards a similar model. Companies like Postmates, GrubHub, and DoorDash emerged, offering customers the ability to order food from a wide range of restaurants and have it delivered straight to their doorstep.

All Eat’s Impact on Food Delivery

All Eat has taken the food delivery industry by storm with its commitment to supporting local restaurants, communities and providing a seamless user experience. By removing the usually high commission fee of up to 35%, All Eat helps support the local economy while offering customers a wide range of food options with the best prices on the market.

All Eat also offers a user-friendly interface, making it easy for customers to place their orders online or via the All Eat app. With features like real-time tracking, customers can keep tabs on their delivery and know exactly when their food will arrive.

All Eat also offers a referral program that has never been introduced before with a food ordering platform, allowing you to earn rewards by referring your friends and family. Simply share your unique referral link with them, and when they sign up and make their first order, you both earn a reward. It’s a win-win situation!

Learn how to make the best out of All Eat’s referral scheme

In Conclusion

All Eat has had a significant impact on the food delivery industry by providing a convenient, reliable, and affordable platform for customers to order food online. As the industry continues to evolve, All Eat’s commitment to supporting local restaurants and providing excellent customer service will continue to set it apart from the competition.

Eid Mubarak: a celebration of taste


Eid-al-fitr is a celebration signifying the ending of Ramadan (Also read “What is Eid-al-Fitr? Get to know about The Muslim celebration after Ramadan”). The word in itself means from Arabic to English “festival of breaking the fast”.  During this celebration you will hear Muslim saying “Eid Mubarak!” which means “Blessed Eid”. This has always been my favourite festival as a Muslim child. I can recall the smell of fried banana plantains, mint green tea from an Arabic saucer, dates and roasted meat. The best tradition is to share food with neighbours whether Muslim or not. My mum would also give food to the less fortunate during that time. It is a way of showing “Allah’s” (“God” in Arabic) mercy towards people whether poor or fortunate. It is a time of sharing, of joy and filled happy bellies.

Different countries and cultures have their own special dishes during Eid-al-fitr. Exploring such a wealth of traditions is our aim at All Eat, we care about our customers festivals and traditions.

North Africa and West Africa

Eid is full of long lasting food traditions starting in my country of origins, Senegal and Mali and also North Africa. For example in Morocco they are eating  traditional Moroccan pancakes, while in Egypt they eat nut filled cookie called “Kahk. In Algeria and Tunisia they eat white moon shaped cookies and honey glazed filled pastries. In Senegal, Mali, Mauritania, Nigeria  they pray and sacrifice a lamb, ram or mutton, then roast it which can be a luxury as being quite costly. They accompany the roasted meat with vermicelli, rice and traditional curries called “Yassa” (in Senegal) or Egusi (in Nigeria).

Senegalese Yassa

United Arab Emirates and other middle eastern country

n the United Arab Emirates, they celebrate with a selection of meat based tagines, similar to the Moroccan ones. They also have chicken soup called “Harees” and diverse sweets called “Khabeesa”.

In Syria, sweets like “Maamoul” are at the table, those are little pastries stuffed pistachios, date or walnut, powdered with icing sugar. Iranians eat a variety of kebabs which you can order here with any of our partners and also a beef stew called “Haleem” accompanied with rice, beans and chilli.

Finally, in Turkey, similarly to the UAE they eat “Harees” a meat porridge or soup  and “Machboos” a spiced chicken or fish dish with long grain rice.

“Khabeesa” from UAE

South Asia

South Asia is said to have the largest community of Muslim in the world as opposed to opinions, 1/3 people are Muslim in Southern Asia.

In Pakistan, traditional food would be “Biryani”, a curried rice either made of chicken or red meat. During Eid you could try a biryani with us here. Also “Haleem” is a meat dish with wheat, barley and lentils. Finally, the traditional Nihari which is a slow cooked beef stew. In Afghanistan, a lot of sweets are shared which make little Afghan children the most joyful! Such as cardamom infused pastries called ‘cream rolls’ and “Gosheh Fil” meaning “elephant ears” which are crumbly pastries dusted with pistachios and icing sugar.

Pakistani Byriani

All these beautiful flavours and aromas are long preparations which are nothing compare with the joy of sitting at the table with family and enjoying every single piece of laughter and conversations. If you want to know more about food during Eid and Ramadan around the world watch “The story of Ramadan” on Netflix.

Eid-al-fitr is set to be this Friday 21st of April 2023.

A Quiche fit for a King!


With King Charles and our future Queen Camilla coronation being upon us we were curious to find out about the main dish of this very special day for Britain. The winner is: The French “Quiche. An unusual choice for our King and Queen but surely a sentimental one as being our late Queen Elizabeth II favourite for any sort of grand celebration.

Quiches are native of our country neighbours, France. It originated from the French word “Quiche Lorraine”. Lorraine used to be a small town in France. The word “Quiche” maybe related to the German word “Kuchen” meaning “cake or tart”. Indeed it is a tart shaped pastry with egg and onions at its base. A quiche could be made with leek, lard, mushroom, spinach, salmon, French camembert, and many other ingredients.

Camilla and Charles decided their coronation Quiche to be meat free, as the King has revealed his engagement to reduce his meat consumption. He sees meat as a negative factor to the environment. Although the Quiche will be accompanied with a serving of traditional coronation chicken.

Quiche is a well known dish to us brits as they can be found in every local supermarket Try you hand at making one to eat like a King and Queen during the coronation on the 6th of May. Why not accompanying this dish with one of our beautiful takeaway desserts, order here.  Check out a traditional Quiche recipe here: